Saturday, February 6, 2010

Alltunes Pin Code 2010 I Cannot Figure Out How To Purchase A PIN Code On

I cannot figure out how to purchase a PIN code on - alltunes pin code 2010

I need a PIN for music allTunes but I can not understand how to buy it.


David L said...

I tell you, you make contact, and not something that I could help.

martywdx said...

I think ChronoPay is a system of payments has shown that funnels allTunes payments. You must login to purchase music with them allTunes ChronoPay number of credit cards is a way to make the payment process with your corporate credit card.

Eric D said...

You can not! But someone in the forum of the Millennium Development Goals must allTunes site does not (the program). ) Click on the upper left-hand version (English recharge credit. Click on the new page to pay by credit card "and not" send "PIN. And you choose the amount you want to spend.
But I checked and found myself on a page to say firmly that the payment is temporarily unavailable. Hopefully temporary. So check from time to time, if the payment is available. I want!

Lois W said...

I transferred money into the evaluation of that which seems to have been submerged by the AllofMP3 to AllTunes. It seems a blockage in AllTunes on the adoption of the new money through credit cards. I tried to get the account with a credit card, but also the message that it is temporarily unable to accept charge cards. I'm not sure what is happening here. His reference to ChronoPay is unnecessary because there is no place to buy your site, a PIN. I think things work. I can not believe they do not want your money. It is interesting to read the messages on AllofMP3, was continued by mutual agreement between the United States and Russia regarding the piracy of copyrighted music and Alltunes, a subsidiary is terminated by AllofMP3. I think I'll try again. Watch to buy pins. Start a PIN, I could buy with a credit card some time ago, but it has a consistent message that the function is in operation and running within 48 hours. This message has not changed for some time If ahave ybody information, please contact me.

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